

Reading, rethinking and rediscovering spaces together


In 2014, studying landscape architecture and planning at the Technical University of Munich brought together some very different minds who inspired, challenged and encouraged each other despite - or perhaps because of - their different approaches to questions of (open) space design.

What began back then continues to this day in widely scattered locations and in new projects. The variance of thoughts and visions stimulates discourse, which is nevertheless based on a common attitude that unites us again and again.sotto la pensilina - in an old pensilina in Imperia, Italy - a place was created where we all come together under one roof, both spatially and intellectually.

As a collective with new and old companions, we develop and realize designs, utopias, fantasies, philosophies,...

Our environment affects - consciously and unconsciously - everyone. LA pensilina seeks to exchange ideas on how to shape this shared space.

Accomodatevi sotto la pensilina di Porto Maurizio!


° LaPensilina Landscape Architecture is a cooperation on the basis of project-related collaboration.
°°currently actively involved are Annette Dehlinger // Julia Treichel